english-speaking psychologist in Kazan
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Кабинет психолога Яны Кариной г. Казань

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31-05-2021, 13:48

English-speaking Psychologist in Kazan

Категория: Новости

Hello, dear friends!

My name is Yana Karina (Yana Vladimirovna Karina)

I'm practicing English-speaking psychologist, certified Gestalt-therapist, Psychology teacher for international students in KMSU and KFU.


KFU, 2008, psychologist

Moscow gestalt institute, 2010, certified Gestalt-therapist

Moscow gestalt institute, 2011, specialization in psychotherapy of addictions in Gestalt-approach.

Work experience 12 years.

Counseling, psychotherapy in English for international students and citizens in person and online.

I can help in following cases:

problems with adaptation in new cultural environment and circumstances,

serious life changes,


conflicts with parents or peers,

misunderstanding in personal relationship,


loss and grief,

inner conflicts,

personal or age-related crisis,

lack of self-confidence,

addiction (overeating, alcohol, drugs, dependent or codependent relationship)

or you don’t know how to cope with fears, anxiety, panic attacks, phobias,

stop being depressed,

overcome laziness, apathy and procrastination or

lack of interest and motivation, including studies –

I will be glad to answer your questions - you can call or text me by phone or in Whatsapp, Telegram +79179395999

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